JHU Seminar: 3/22/2017 Visiting NASM and NMAI
Today we visited The National Air and Space Museum and the National Museum of The American Indian. Both are incredible museums, they do what they do very well, and what they do is very different from when the other does.
I was struck by what our first speaker highlighted, which was that they are moving away from considering a “Digital Content Strategy” because they are trying to consider a “full museum strategy” and digital integration is an in-bedded step in this process. This was a topic that we had heavily focused on in a previous class, and this notion of total integration of digital content was what that class concluded was the best approach. Seeing this being done “real world” adds credence to those conclusions we reached.
At NMAI, the group had lunch, that cafeteria does live up to its amazing reputation.
The NMAI speakers made a point of the interesting challenge facing NMAI. Many come not just knowing little about native people, but knowing misinformation about native peoples that often the knowledge bar is not at zero, it is actually negative.
That was a challenge I had not previously considers, not just starting with an “ignorant” audience but a misinformed one. The saving grace is that in attending NMAI, clearly there is a desire on the part of the visitor to be exposed and learn more about the topic of American Indian history and culture.
I think many pre-convinced notions can be put aside, given this shown desire to learn more. For NMAI, that’s a pretty good silver lining!
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