I have had this little blog for nearly a year, and while I am not producing as much content as I would like, I am immensely proud of what I have written. January is a time to look back at …

January: A time to look both back and forward like a god with two faces… or why January is the first month of the year Read more »


Statue of Pheidippides, the famous original marathon runner along the road from Marathon to Athens. The story of the Battle of Marathon and its connection to the modern marathon is a wonderful one, and a little bit more complicated that …

The distance between Marathon and Athens is NOT a Marathon. Wait What? Read more »


First…HUMP DAY! Next… The days of the week in English are based mostly on Norse Gods. Wednesday comes from “Wodan’s Day.”  As mentioned previously, as languages change and morph it is common for letters to drop off due to slight …

Happy Odin’s-Day…err…Wednesday…err Same Thing! Read more »
